Daily Dose of Praise August

"Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. They are a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck."

The family is the first place where wisdom is taught and learned. A father’s instruction and a mother’s teaching are invaluable treasures that guide us throughout life. Just as a garland or a chain is worn with pride and dignity, the wisdom imparted by our parents adorns us with grace. This wisdom, when cherished and followed, can lead to a life of honor and respect.

Take time today to reflect on the teachings and advice you’ve received from your parents or guardians. How have they shaped your life? Reach out to them or someone who has played a parental role in your life and express your gratitude. If you are a parent, consider how to impart wisdom to your children that will last a lifetime.
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