The structure of the church should not be determined by culture, business practices, or even denominational traditions. Instead, it should be shaped by the nature of the church as revealed in Scripture.
"They continued steadily learning the teaching of the apostles, and joined in the fellowship..." — Acts 2:42 (Ph)
A top priority in a fellowship is harmony and unity:
- "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." — Ephesians 4:3
- "So let us concentrate on the things that make for harmony and the growth of our fellowship together." — Romans 14:19 (Ph)
Implication: A Good Structure Promotes Unity
"Your meetings do more harm than good because I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you..." — 1 Cor. 11:17-18
Church voting often causes division.
At Praise, we only vote on:
- The annual budget and legal trustees
- The purchase of land or buildings
- Changes in the church constitution
"You should be like one big happy family, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds." — 1 Peter 3:8 (LB)
(See also Gal. 6:10, Heb. 2:10-12, 1 Peter 4:17)
We Operate on Relationships, Not Just Rules
"Don't reprimand a senior member of the church, appeal to him as a father. Treat the young men as brothers, and the older women as mothers. Treat the younger women as sisters..." — 1 Tim. 5:1-2 (Ph)
"(A Pastor) must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him with proper respect... If anyone does not know how to manage his family, how can he take care of God's church?" — 1 Tim. 3:4-5
We Are a Body, Not a Business
"Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it." — 1 Cor. 12:27
The church is an organism, not an organization.
Therefore, we function on the basis of...
🛠 Spiritual Gifts, Not Elected Offices
"Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us." — Romans 12:4-6
At Praise, we prioritize ministry over maintenance.
"God gave some to be pastors and teachers to prepare God's people for works of ministry, so that the body of Christ may be built up..." — Ephesians 4:11-12
Our Church Structure:
- The People Are the Ministers
- The Pastors Are the Administrators
(Jesus' favorite description of the church)
(See John 10:1-30, Matt. 26:31, Matt. 25:33)
Therefore, the Church Is Cared for and Led by Shepherds
Jesus asked Simon Peter, "Do you really love me?" "Yes, Lord," said Peter. "Then take care of my sheep." — John 21:16-17
Three biblical terms describe the same church leaders:
- Pastor (Shepherd) – "Be shepherds of God's flock..." — 1 Peter 5:1-2
- Elder (Presbuteros) – "Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders of the church..." — Acts 20:17
- Overseer (Episcopos) – "Keep watch over the church of God..." — Acts 20:28