Restoring Families to Serve Together


Welcome to our Family Ministry page. Here you will find upcoming information on special activities and events just for YOUR FAMILY!  On Sundays we have classes for all ages from Nursery - High School. Through out the next few months you will see new changes and a fresh look with our children’s church. Stay connected and check back weekly to see how your family can get involved together.  Because we believe in families that are RESTORED together SERVE together!

Proverbs 22:6
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."

What are we learning this month - JULY 2024

A 4-Week Series from the Old Testament on DAVID.

What do you do when you hear your favorite song? Turn it up, of course! While we might love blasting our favorite music, we can also learn how to turn up God’s voice in our lives. In this four-week series, kids will follow some key moments in the life of David, the famous musician, poet, and king, and they’ll learn about some of the ways David trusted God during some difficult times in his life. Through each story, we’ll learn God is with us when we feel weak, God helps us overcome big things, God comforts us when we’re afraid, and God helps us live in harmony.


Kids are naturally curious, and when you’re curious about who God is it’s easy to grow your relationship with Jesus. That’s why, in this 4-part series we’re going to engage kids’ imaginations! Kids will not only get curious about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — but also about the God who created it all! They’ll hear from early church leaders like Paul, Peter, John, and Timothy, who helped the first Jesus-followers wonder what made their stories unique, what gifts God gave them (and how they could use those gifts to serve), what they could learn from others, and how they could spend time with God.
Grades K-8

Click on the link to register TODAY! 


Sunday's at our 10:30 am service 


Unashamed Youth Ministries
Sunday Mornings 10:30 am
Worship & Bible Study 

Unashamed Youth Ministries
 Friday Nights
1st & 3rd  Fridays of the month at 6:00 pm 


Sunday Mornings Bible Study
 Available at the 10:30 am service

Friday Nights
2nd & 4th  Fridays of the month at 6:30pm 

Questions about our Family Ministries?

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