10-6 The Call to Disciple Others Be Fruitful and Multiply Series Pastor Joshua Kennedy 10:30 am

Oct 6, 2024    Pastor Josh, Pastor Joshua Kennedy, Joshua Kennedy

Be Fruitful and Multiply - The Call to Disciple Others



In Genesis 1:28, God commands Adam and Eve to "Be fruitful and multiply." This command is often associated with the physical act of bearing children, but it also carries a deeper spiritual meaning that can be applied to the calling of discipleship. As followers of Christ, we are called to make disciples, multiplying the faith in the lives of others. Just as a tree produces fruit that contains seeds to grow new trees, so should our lives bear fruit that plants seeds of faith in others.

Scripture Foundation:

* Genesis 1:28: "God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.'"

* Matthew 28:19-20: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."

* John 15:8: "By this, my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples."


1. The Call to Reproduce Spiritually

In the same way, God’s creation mandate called for the multiplication of people, Jesus' Great Commission calls for the multiplication of disciples. Our spiritual fruit—our character, faith, and love for God—must lead others to faith in Christ. Every believer is tasked with reproducing their spiritual life in others through discipleship.



* Invest time in others—be intentional in forming relationships where spiritual growth can take place.

* Look for opportunities to share your faith and invite others into a journey with Christ.


2. Discipleship as Cultivation

Discipleship, like cultivating a fruitful garden, requires nurturing, time, and attention. As a farmer who tends the soil, waters the seeds, and patiently waits for growth, we must commit to helping others grow in their walk with God. True discipleship is not just about conversions but about fostering spiritual maturity.



* Mentor others by spending time with them in scripture, prayer, and life application.

* Encourage those you disciple to remain rooted in Christ (John 15:5).


3. Multiplication Requires Sacrifice

Fruitfulness in discipleship often requires personal sacrifice. As Jesus modeled in His relationship with the twelve disciples, there is a need for selfless investment in others. This may mean giving up time, energy, and resources to walk alongside others as they grow in their faith.



* Embrace a service mindset, knowing your sacrifice leads to eternal rewards.

* Prioritize discipling relationships, understanding their long-term impact on the kingdom of God.


4. Empowering Others to Multiply

The ultimate goal of discipleship is to create disciples who will go on to disciple others. This is how spiritual multiplication happens. We are not only to make followers of Christ but also to equip them to lead others. The fruit of our discipleship is only complete once it reproduces itself in others.



* Encourage those you disciple to disciple others.

* Teach practical ways to share their faith and build up others in their spiritual journey.



"Be fruitful and multiply" is a charge to believers to participate in multiplying God’s kingdom through intentional discipleship. As we bear spiritual fruit, we plant seeds in others that, by God’s grace, will grow into new followers of Christ, who, in turn, will disciple others. This is how the gospel spreads, how faith communities are built, and how the world is transformed for God’s glory.


Praise Tabernacle

Dr. Joshua Kennedy, Pastor

2235 Ocean Heights 

Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234



(609) 927-4560(w), (609) 402-8869(c)