Restore. Equip. Restore. Release
To see people set free and equipped to bring revival, through personal encounters with Jesus, training and carrying the manifest presence of God! Go therefore and make disciples of all nations . Baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always. Even to the end of the age. ( Matthew 28:19) We are called to disciple nations .
For us that is training and equipping the body for the coming revival. ( Eph 4:12) Isaiah 60 Though darkness is indeed covering the whole earth, we are called to carry His Glory into that world, it is our mandate.
Following the example of Paul, with Praise Tabernacle as our Antioch, our apostolic center. We are sent by God to evangelize, equip and disciple, and return to our home for refreshing, restoration and preparation for the next assignment.
If you’d like to become a partner, we would be deeply grateful for your support.
Thank you!
For us that is training and equipping the body for the coming revival. ( Eph 4:12) Isaiah 60 Though darkness is indeed covering the whole earth, we are called to carry His Glory into that world, it is our mandate.
Following the example of Paul, with Praise Tabernacle as our Antioch, our apostolic center. We are sent by God to evangelize, equip and disciple, and return to our home for refreshing, restoration and preparation for the next assignment.
If you’d like to become a partner, we would be deeply grateful for your support.
Thank you!